Stand By Me

From €12 / month

Expand your business with your new website with the performance, security and support of Profictions and Stands. Manage your site effortlessly. Get powerful automated digital marketing tools. Create content easily with AI. Create and send newsletters from your site.

Plan details

Month Price
1 – 3 39,00 
4+ 19,00 

Pour gagner du temps, complétez votre plan avec ces options:

1 × Kit de Démarrage
Stands crée ou recrée, et importe pour vous votre logo, vos typographies et votre harmonie de couleurs. Puis Stands crée les pages essentielles de votre site. Enfin Stands importe, adapte, optimise (SEO) et met en place les contenus les plus importants de votre site: accueil, à propos, contact, accès, FAQs et protection des données RGPD. Bonus: Stands crée la version anglaise de votre site.
-50% pendant une durée limitée
1 × Services en ligne
Vous projetez de vendre des services sur votre site? Cochez cette case, et Stands réglera vos pages de paiement and système de facturation et de devis pour un maximum d’efficacité et de ventes.
1 × Produits en ligne (Shop)
Vous projetez de vendre des produits sur votre site? Cochez cette case, et Stands réglera votre boutique en ligne pour un maximum d’efficacité et de ventes.
17€/m pour une durée limitée
1 × Cours, Leçons, Coaching
Vous projetez de vendre vos cours & leçons, ou des sessions de coaching sur votre site? Cochez cette case, et Stands réglera votre système de paiement et d’abonnement en ligne pour un maximum d’efficacité et de ventes.
1 × Kit de Refonte
Stands importe votre site actuel. Au passage nous pouvons revoir votre logo, vos typographies et votre harmonie de couleurs. Puis Stands vérifie et ajuste si nécessaire le système de payment et d’envoi des mails depuis votre site. Enfin Stands optimise (SEO) si nécessaire les contenus les plus importants de votre site: accueil, à propos, contact, accès, FAQs et protection des données RGPD. Bonus: Stands crée la version anglaise de votre site.
-50% pendant une durée limitée

This WordPress and WooCommerce Support Plan includes all WordPress and WooCommerce features.

And brings you more:

  • Integrated AI to generate your articles, products and services
  • Valuable premium features (worth +€2000 / year)
  • 24/7 support by email or chat

It's the best value on the market.


24/7 support included

  • On Google Meet or FaceTime: set up a meeting.
  • By mail or form (response within 24 working hours, and often within the hour).
  • Fix 20′: if they take less than 20 minutes, small corrections, repairs or modifications are included in this plan.

Customized online training tutorial included

  1. How to connect to my site
  2. How to consult my customer account
  3. How to edit a page
  4. How to manage my orders and customers
  5. How to modify a product
  6. How to upload a news item
  7. How to create and plan a newsletter

Personalized coaching session

  • Online and screen-sharing
  • To meet your specific requirements
  • Not included in the plan
  • To reserve follow this link.

Mensuel, Annuel

Your plan includes all the features needed to create any type of online business, and very easily:

You can sell anything

  • Unlimited products
  • Sales of virtual and downloadable products
  • Sale of courses and lessons
  • Reservation sales
  • Appointment sales
  • Sale of services
  • Sale of digital products (images, books, audios, videos)
  • Wholesale
  • Subscription sales

You can sell to anyone

  • Multilingual store
  • Instagram / Facebook integration
  • TikTok integration
  • Etsi integration
  • Instagram integration
  • In-person sales at point of sale (POS integration)
  • Customer support by e-mail or chat

Super-practical functions

  • Google Analytics integration
  • Import your Shopify to WooCommerce and customize it easily
  • Automatic calculation of shipping costs
  • Automatic tax calculation
  • Discount coupons
  • Customize product pages
  • Customize payment pages
  • Abandoned cart saver
  • Store management app for Apple and Android phones
  1. Maximize speed, performance and SEO / referencing
  2. Premium themes and plugins for WordPress & WooCommerce pre-installed and pre-activated
  3. Content creation with integrated AI (optional)
  4. Integrated newsletter and CRM
  5. Stripe & PayPal integration
  6. Cookie management
  7. Integrated statistics
  • Proactive threat blocking and security
  • Automated WordPress and PHP updates
  • Customizable themes and workflow tools
  • Automatic daily and effortless 1-click manual backups
  • Managed WordPress / Woo hosting
  • Page load speed 2 times faster with cache
  • Automatic plugin updates for site security
  • Better product research to boost sales

Your site includes many marketing features: popups, cross-sells, upsells, newsletters, etc.

Depending on your objectives and your popularity, you can also create campaigns on social networks and Google to promote your products and services, increase awareness and ultimately sell more.

Are you entitled to the benefits of marketing too?

Yes, by specifying your objectives, we'll work with you to define your strategy within your budget. And we'll create for you the free content and advertising campaigns that will be broadcast on Google and your social networks, every week, every month.

How easy is it for you to create these campaigns?

Yes, 180º Campaigns and 360º Campaigns allow you to

  • broadcast 1 or 2 commercials per week
  • publish posts every day or every other day on each of your social networks
  • collect contacts from your new visitors
  • thanks to a number of exclusive features on your site
  • stimulate your existing customers
  • precisely measure the results of your campaigns
  • and adjust your subsequent campaigns.

In just a few months, you'll see your return on investment (ROI).

These maps can be accessed from your map Stand By MeCréation Pro and Redesign Pro.

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